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Viagra lowers the blood pressure.

Is clear by now: Viagra can do more. Men, women, older patients and flowers can experience a real miracle with that, prescribed by the doctor.

An unknown doctor made a rather minor remark 15 years ago, in September 1992 from the English province on the telephone which had worldwide consequences. The man was connected to the development boss of the world's biggest pharmaceutical company, the U.S. company Pfizer. The new medicine had proved ineffective, the doctor said. Unfortunately, he has not been able to establish any recovery at high blood pressure in his field tests. In this respect that is one disaster. There is an interesting side effect but there.

The substance notified Pfizer to - not as a blood pressure sinker but as a power means for clinical studies of UK 92480 short time after the most famous call in the history of man medicine. Until this time, it had been made believe to men her problem lies in the head at partner, of the stress in the office, at the unhealthy lifestyle - unfortunately, unfortunately, nothing can be done here.

Until the invention of Viagra men were treated with erection disturbances if at all psychotherapeutic. There was not another therapy. After it was, however, clear that the problem lay in the narrow part of the smallest vessels of the penis which one could enlarge with medicine, the erectile dysfunction was gone. "Of course Viagra does not solve all sexual problems", tells the inhabitant of Hamburg to sexual doctor Johannes Sievers. Some but spare.

Viagra as a very efficient remedy

More than 30 million worldwide swallow the shrill blue pills against erection disturbances today. Mere chance, that himself this medicine now, on the 15th anniversary of his invention that this medicine rehabilitates itself. Chance also, that the substance turns out to be a very efficient remedy at the same time against more than a dozen physical problems.

Meanwhile, Viagra gets chameleon custody-shimmering trains in the medical research similarly as aspirin. An active agent with changing faces - depending on which syndrome there exists.

Example Jetlag: The result was as the researchers of the university in Buenos Aires feed the bright blue pills to hamsters. The Viagra active agent Sildenafil apparently prevents the reduction of a substance in the brain which is involved in the control of the inner watch. This makes the adaptation of the body to a changed circadian rhythm easier.

The scientists gave the hamsters the medicine and shortened them the resting phase by lights by six hours. The rodents then troubled the traversing wheel - just if, as if they were completely well rested.

Viagra makes fit in the head

Viagra for the brain? The old Greek already had this dream. A spray into every nostril, a pill on the tongue, and forgetting is, defeated sequence of numbers, phone books, scientific heavy tomes, can from the head arbitrary unreel. For the modern research it is a vision which stands shortly before the fulfillment: Molecular biologists have won such exact insights into the operation of the brain that they can steer knowledge and forgetting with pharmacy.

Different studies suggest, that also Viagra could be a good memory medicine. As the effect takes place, is unclear. U.S. researchers of the Auburn University in Alabama follow up the thesis, that the messenger substance cGMP which dilates the vessels with the man which blood river increases and increases channels glucose into the brain.

The dismantlement of this messenger substance is usually steered by nitrogen monoxide. Viagra intrudes on this process, slows cGMP's reduction down. An effect which also could help Alzheimer patients. Because cGMP's formation falls off, researchers know so, strongly in old age. The substance took the team to the running also as painkiller.

His effect on glucose took the active agent to the conversation also as a potential diabetes means: Mexican researchers of the institute of the Seguro Social in Mexico town brought an at short notice positive effect on 40 men to light with diabetes type 2.

Barren women can get pregnant with Viagra

Meanwhile, not only men swallow Viagra. Between a masculine and female sexuality one discovers increasingly astonishing parallels: Diabetes, high blood pressure, increased cholesterol values, or the medicines however can lead to erection disturbances with men. One assumes today that these factors can affect also sexual functions among women.

Much also depends how well the fabric is supplied with blood during the excitement: the more strongly the more liquid steps from the vessels. With older patients with high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis or with smokers the circulation decreases. If the orgasm problem of a woman therefore stirs, it can make sense to test use of Viagra - in the modern gynecology's common practice.

Viagra is recommended to pregnant women too.

An American got pregnant thanks to Viagra after the doctors had diagnosed her as barren six years ago. The 36-year-old woman had been inseminated artificially already two times but her uterus muscous membrane was too thin, the stimulated eggcells could not nest. She lost the embryos and addressed Geoffrey Sher, Las Vegas. The doctor already had carried out experiments with Viagra at mice and came to the end that the medicine could help women to build up the uterus muscous membrane generously.

Four barren women have taken part in Shers Viagra experiment till now, three of them got pregnant. The results were in the " of humane Reproduction " British Journal publishes.

Doctors use Viagra furthermore through what the growth of the fetus is slowed down with pregnant women whose uterus is made narrower and the risk of a premature birth drastically gets aboard - this statistically meets about five per cent of the newborn childs in Great Britain.

Viagra increases the activity of the enzyme PDE 5 what, one improves circulation of uterus and has Plazenta the consequence so that in turn the fetus is provided with nutrients and oxygen better. At present, researchers give 25 milligrams of the substance to women concerned in Tel Aviv, what "grants the unborn a couple of additional days in the womb", does the "Independent" quote the researchers.

Viagra keeps flowers fresh longer

Legendary the attempts to help not only the man to get a longer stand but also to prolong the splendor of cut flowers with the help of Viagra. For her tests with the tight stems plant physiologist of the Israeli bar Ilan-Universitat got famous.

Together with Australian colleagues reported her in 1998 in an article in the magazine plans to keep a week longer that half a milligram is enough for the Viagra substance Sildenafil per vase fresh around cut flowers, Physiology and Biochemistry.

This is only a one hundredth of the crowd which is contained a Viagra pill. And Viagra does not get the tension only at flowers - also strawberries and broccoli remained apparently crisp by Sildenafil longer. "People and plants are that is more similar than thought", says the plant researcher Yaacov Leshem.